200 Hindu Families from Pakistan Reach India, Grand Reception on Wagah Border

Mandeep Singh Sajwan

Grand Reception at the Wagah Border as 200 Hindu Families from Pakistan Arrive. Numerous Pakistani families have started crossing the Wagah border with all of their goods since the current Indian government passed the Citizenship Amendment Act through Parliament. 

Under the Citizenship Amendment Act, only people who entered India prior to December 31, 2014, are qualified for citizenship. Despite this, 200 Hindu families from Pakistan have crossed the Wagah border into India on tourist visas.

200 Hindu Families From Pakistan Reach India, Grand Reception on Wagah Border
Indian Soldiers participating in Grand reception of 200 Hindu Families returning back from Pakistan to India. Photo: Wagah Border/ TIH
Following the passing of the new law, all Pakistani families who crossed the Wagah border into India reportedly received tourist visas.

However, it is believed that they would all be entitled to apply for Indian citizenship because they all entered India on foot with their possessions. For a limited period of time, those traveling to India to visit relatives or other people are still granted tourist visas.

Tourist visa holders typically bring a suitcase or a bag into India.

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