Tribute to The Indian Army: Top 10 Tips for Successful Leadership

Mandeep Singh Sajwan

We are proud to have an army that has been around since 1857. It is the oldest in the world and has been fighting wars since 1857. They have been fighting wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Kashmir and Sri Lanka. These wars have affected the lives of many people across the globe. The Indian Army is also known for its bravery and dedication to their duty.

The Indian Army has a unique culture of leading by example and setting an example for others to follow. This culture is one that they try to instill in their soldiers through various means such as education, leadership training programs, exercises and live rounds (combat training).

The Indian Army also believes in leadership development through various avenues such as education and training programs as well as mentoring from senior officers.The Indian Army does not need any introduction. We all have love, respect, and appreciation for our soldiers and the Indian Army. As we all know that the Indian Army has a long and glorious history. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about everything in such a confined space.

The Indian armed forces are divided into three parts - the Indian Army, the Indian Air Force, and the Indian Navy. The Indian Army is a land-based unit, while the Indian Air Force works in air defense and the Indian Navy is a naval unit. Our Indian Army is the second-largest army in the world with about 1.23 million personnel on active rolls and another 9.6 lakh in reserves.

The Indian Army is primarily responsible for defending the country against land-based attacks. It also helps other agencies to deal with terrorism, to deal with emergency situations in the country and to save people in case of natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, etc.

The current Chief of Army Staff (COAS) is General Manoj Mukund Naravane As of (2020). As the Indian Army is very large, it is divided into regiments. Some important regiments are Punjab Regiment, Madras Regiment, Rajputana Rifles, Sikh Regiment, etc. It also has its own intelligence unit, abbreviated as "military intelligence" or "MI".

The Indian Army (under British rule) participated in World War I and II before independence. After independence, it has fought several full-blown wars like Kargil War (1999), Bangladesh Liberation War (1971), India-Pakistan War (1965), Indo-China War (1962) and First Kashmir War (1947). Apart from these, the Indian Army has also handled some minor conflicts like Siachen struggle (1984), Operation Polo (1948), Indo-China conflict (1967), etc.

There are very few organizations left in the country, about which it can be said that if these organizations fail then the country will cease to exist. The Indian Army is one of them. Many organizations of the country that were neutral and impartial (do not name them) were corrupted but somehow all these years the Indian Army has been successful in remaining neutral and impartial.

➢ Role of Indian Army towards the country 

All the organizations of the country contribute to nation-building. It is like the various body parts that perform in synchronization. It would not be wrong to say that the Indian Army is like the heart of a body. If it stops, then the whole body (nation) stops. There are many roles that the military plays. Some of them are discussed below.

➢ Indian Army - A united force

We all know that the Indian Army is our first line of defense. It has defended us from many foreign invasions (5 major wars and some other minor conflicts). It is also helping other agencies in dealing with terrorism, extremism, law and order, riots, etc. Its professionalism and secularism are undeniable.

This is why it is a unifying force. When our country won the Kargil War, the entire country (I mean everyone, irrespective of caste, creed, sex) was celebrated. The only other thing that has such an effect is cricket, I think. The Indian Army has individuals of all religions. It does not discriminate on the basis of caste, religion, sect, etc. This is why it is a unifying force.

➢ Indian Army - Our Trust

Tags like a friend or trusted cannot go to any other agency. This is because when everything fails, the Indian Army does not. There are many examples that can be cited in support of this argument. In addition to its basic duties, it is said to perform many other duties for riot control.

When the police and other agencies are unable to control the situation, the Indian Army is called and they have a 100% track record to date. Some important riots, which were controlled by the army, Sikh riots, Mumbai riots, Godhra riots, etc.

In natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes, the Indian Army is called in because there is a lack of coordination and training in other agencies that the Indian Army has. Even in sports, we are dependent on the Indian Army to bring medals in international sports like the Common Games, Common Games, Asian Games, Olympics, etc. Some of the best players like Milkha Singh, Rajyavardhan Rathore, Vijay Kumar, Dhyanchand, Jeetu Rai, Ram Singh Yadav are from an Army background. 

➢ Indian Army - A great and large employer

It is said that the lucky ones are those who are elected to the Indian Army. It is considered a very good employer due to salary and perks. It is one of the largest employment providers in the country.

➢ Indian Army - Manufacturers of honest and devoted Soldiers

My father used to say this and I strongly agreed with it. He said, "Dear, what you learn in army training is definitely useful in army career and also very useful in civilian life." There are many people in civilian life who are doing very well because they Served in or had military training at some point. What is taught in a military school is not taught anywhere else.

➢ Indian Army Photos and Wallpapers

Indian Army's Sikh Regiment Drill March During Replublic Day Parade CDS General Bipin Rawat Interacting with Officers and Soldiers in J&K Indian Army Chief Manoj Mukund Naravane Visits Defence Research and Development Organisation COAS Manoj Mukund Naravane Meeting Indonesian Army General
Thus, I would like to say that we are fortunate to have an organization like the Indian Army at our disposal, without which we could never survive. Jai Hind.

The Indian Army is one of the oldest and most powerful armies in the world. They are known for their courage, discipline and loyalty. They have a long tradition of military service, which can be traced back to the times of King Ashoka, who was an emperor in ancient India. The Indian Army has played a crucial role in several wars including World Wars I and II, Indian independence movement and also during the partition of India.

Today's army is facing some challenges like corruption, poor morale amongst its personnel and lack of leadership skills among its officers.

We should not think that only a few people can lead an army or be a good leader. All soldiers need to be trained properly to become capable leaders. 

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