Republic Day 2020: The Difference between independence and republic day

Mandeep Singh Sajwan

Republic Day Parade 2020
Flags Bearing at Rajpath

Happy Republic Day 2020: Like every year, the country will celebrate its Republic Day with great fanfare on 26 January. Along with the spectacular parade at Rajpath, the countrymen will celebrate the delights of the 71st Republic Day with many cultural events.

Important Facts:

  • The Constitution was enacted on 26 January 1950
  • The parade is organized at Rajpath on Republic Day
  • President takes the parade salute

But many people are confused about Independence Day and Republic Day. To discard this confusion, the difference between the two national festivals is being told in a sequential manner.

1. Every year 15 August is celebrated as Independence Day in India. India got independence from Britain on 15 August. At the same time, 26 January is celebrated as Republic Day and the Indian Constitution was implemented on this day. India became an independent republic from 26 January 1950.

2. On 15 August, the British Parliament passed the Indian Independence Act 1947 and divided British India into India and Pakistan. Also, the right to make laws in India was handed over to the Constituent Assembly of India. However, before 26 January 1950, India was constitutionally not a republic but a monarchy.

3. The Constitution was enacted on 26 January 1950, before the Government of India was governed under the Government of India Act 1935.

26 January 2020: Know the History, Importance and Interesting facts of Republic Day

4. On August 15, 1947, the country's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru hoisted the Indian National Flag at the Red Fort. Since this, every year on 15 August, the Prime Minister of the country hoists the tricolor at the Red Fort. On the occasion of Republic Day, a parade is organized at Rajpath and the President of the country takes the salute.

Camel March Republic Day 2020
Camel March During Republic Day Parade at Rajpath

5. The Constituent Assembly of India was united for its fifth session on 14 August 1947, at 11 o'clock in the Central Hall of Parliament. The session was chaired by Dr. Rajendra Prasad. In this session, Jawaharlal Nehru gave a 'Trist with Destiny' speech about India's independence.

6. Since 1950, India has been inviting the national heads of other countries as the chief guest in the Republic Day Parade. The President of another country is not called on 15 August.

7. Since 1955, the Republic Day parade has been happening on Rajpath. While the celebration of 15 August is celebrated at the Red Fort.

8. On the eve of Republic Day, the President gives Padma Awards. While prize distribution is not done on Independence Day.

9. The Republic Day celebrations are concluded on January 29 from the 'Beating Retreat' ceremony. While the celebration of 15 August ends on the same day.

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