Larry Tesler: Who Devised Copy-Paste Command, Passes Away.

Mandeep Singh Sajwan
Larry Tesler: Who Devised Copy-Paste Command, Passes Away.

Larry Tesler: If you use a computer, then you must understand the importance of the CUT ... COPY...PASTE command. These three commands are such that without these it will be very difficult to work.

Computer scientist Larry Tesler, who devised these three commands, has passed away. Tesler was 74 years old.

Tesler was one of those who made an unprecedented contribution in the initial phase of the development of the user interface in computers.

Tesler started working in Silicon Valley in the 1960s. This was the time when the computer was limited to a few people.

It was an early time and things were very new, so there were many difficulties. It was Tesler who devised the cut, copy and paste commands and also made the computer accessible to the common people.

Apart from this, he had created many other commands like Find and Replace, which made many tasks easy from writing text to developing software.

Expert in creating the user interface

Tesler spent the bulk of his career in the American company Xerox. Xerox tweeted and paid tribute to him.

The tweet reads, "cut, copy, paste, find and replace (ctrl + x, ctrl + c, ctrl + v) and many similar commander Xerox's former researcher Larry Tessler. The person who made your day-to-day work easier, thanks to that person. "

Larry Tesler was born in the Bronx in New York in 1945. He studied at Stanford University, California.

After graduation, he specialized in user interface design. The whole purpose of this was how to make computers easy and convenient for people.

Made Computer easily accessible to Everyone

Larry Tesler: Who Devised Copy-Paste Command, Passes Away.
Lawrence Tesler using an Alto personal computer in the 1970s, while he worked at Xerox. He contributed to the creation of today's method of computer interface as a young researcher at Xerox. Credit: NYTIMES
Although Tesler has done a lot of work in the field of computers, his most important and the work that also gave him recognition is the command CUT ... COPY...PASTE.

In 1983, Apple's software included this command on the Lisa computer and was also released in the original Macintosh the same year.

The Computer History Museum of Silicon Valley says that Tassler made computer science training easy for everyone.

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