What is corona virus & what are it's symptoms?

Mandeep Singh Sajwan
In China, the death toll from the coronavirus has increased to 563. It is reported that 73 people died on Wednesday. So far, suspected cases have come up in 22 countries. The World Health Organization has already declared it an emergency.

So far, three cases have been reported in India. Preventing it from spreading has become a major challenge for health officials. However, China is doing everything possible to stop it. After continuous cases of coronavirus across the world, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the coronavirus an international emergency.

World Health Organization:

Many cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in 22 countries outside China. These countries include Thailand, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Australia, Malaysia, the USA, France, Germany, and United Arab Emirates.

What is coronavirus?

Coronavirus (COV) belongs to a family of viruses whose infection can cause problems ranging from a cold to breathlessness. This virus has never been seen before. The virus infection started in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. According to WHO, fever, cough, shortness of breath is its symptoms. So far no vaccine has been made to stop the virus from spreading.

 What are the symptoms of this disease? 

As a result of this infection, problems like fever, cold, shortness of breath, runny nose and sore throat arise. This virus spreads from person to person. Therefore, comprehensive care is being taken about this. The virus first caught in China in December 2019. which is expected to reach other countries.

 What are the preventive measures?
The Ministry of Health has issued guidelines to prevent coronavirus. According to them,

  • Hands should be washed with soap. 
  • Alcohol-based hand rub can also be used.
  •  Keep your nose and mouth covered with handkerchief or tissue paper while coughing and sneezing.
  •  Keep distance from people who have cold and flu symptoms. 
  • Avoid intake of eggs and meat. 
  • Avoid contact with wild animals.
Due to this virus, the number of tourists can decrease in China. This will directly affect China's economy. China's economy is already in a state of apathy. Many countries have asked their citizens not to go to China. Many countries have also banned people coming from Wuhan. Russia has also closed its eastern border with China.

About 18 years ago there was a similar threat from the SARS virus. In 2002-03, more than 700 people died due to SARS all over the world. Thousands of people across the world were infected by it. It also had an impact on economic activities.

Coronavirus is an international emergency: World Health Organization

In China, the death toll from the coronavirus has increased to 563. After continuous cases of the coronavirus worldwide, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared coronavirus an international emergency. A decision has been taken in the meeting of the WHO's International Health Regulation Emergency Committee.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) report, more than 8000 people have been confirmed infected with the coronavirus in China. Apart from this, at least 12,167 more people are suspected to be infected with the Coronavirus in China. So far 212 people have died due to coronavirus in China.

As per the report, 82 cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in 18 countries outside China. Coronavirus has 14 in Thailand, 11 in Japan, 10 in Singapore, four in South Korea, seven in Australia and Malaysia.

The Chief of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adenum, has said that the biggest concern is to prevent the spread of coronavirus in countries where health facilities are weak.

 He made it clear that doing so is not like mistrusting China, but the effort is to help other countries that cannot overcome it. Tedros said, "Together we must stop the coronavirus from spreading further. We can stop it only by coming together." 

Tredros visited China last week and met Chinese President Xi Jinping. Tedros said that in view of the threat of Coronavirus, there has been a ban on traveling or trading recently, there is no need for them.

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