'No new people are allowed to settle in America' Donald Trump declares

Mandeep Singh Sajwan
President Donald Trump's new declaration regarding settling in America

The kind of big announcements that US President Donald Trump makes through social media should always be watched carefully. So far, he has implemented some of the big announcements on Twitter, and some of them have not.


  • [col]
    • In America, the number of corona infected has exceeded 7,84,000, while 42,138 people have died there so far.
    • As of Tuesday morning, 24,72,000 people have been infected with the corona virus, while the death toll has exceeded 1,69,000.
    • During the Corona transition, the price of crude oil has fallen from zero to the first. For the first time in history, oil producers are offering money to buyers along with oil.

According to US time, on Monday midnight, Trump temporarily banned all migration to the United States. That is, no non-American citizen will be able to settle in America immediately.

President Donald Trump's new declaration regarding settling in America

However, detailed information has not been received about this and without the detailed information, a lot cannot be understood about the validity and seriousness of this announcement.

It is also not hidden from anyone that President Trump and many of his key advisers have long seen the settlement of migrants as a loss, not a benefit of America.

The same thing is clear with the language of Trump's tweet. Trump has written that he has taken this decision not only to take care of the health of American people but also to 'save the jobs of great American citizens'.

There is also no doubt that this move of Trump will be strongly opposed by the migration groups, businessmen and their ideological critics. But a person like Donald Trump will have no problem with this because he enjoys provoking his opponents.

Four years ago, Trump participated in an aggressive campaign to stop all Muslims from settling in America. Now once again when the presidential election is at the head, he has found a similar method.

Who are the people who settled in America?

In the midst of the Corona transition crisis, US President Donald Trump is calling for a ban on non-US immigrants from settling in the United States. However, it is not clear yet how serious the announcement of K Trump is. But who are the non-American people who live in America?

According to the data of the US Home Ministry, in the year 2019, more than 1 million non-Americans were allowed to stay in the US from legal Russia and permanently. Most of these people were from Mexico, China, India, Philippines and Cuba.

More than half of this 10 lakh people were already living in America and 4,59,000 people had come from abroad. The recent announcement of Trump will affect the people who come from abroad and settle in America.

Talking about refugees, in the year 2019, 30 thousand refugees came to America. Most of them were from Congo, Myanmar, Ukraine, Eritrea, Afghanistan and Syria.

[Source : BBC]

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