Why is the wire loose between two electric poles, why not straight, let us know/ GK IN ENGLISH
Why is the wire loose between two electric poles, why not straight, let us know/ GK IN ENGLISH, Gk 2020, GK 2019, Current affairs, latest Current Affairs
You may have often noticed that the wire is seen flaccid between the two poles of electricity. Which is not very straight. The electric engineer says that all the curves in the electric wire are as much as the power loss.
If the wire is kept straight, the cost of electricity is less. Then The question is, when the government knows this, why does it increase the cost of electricity by loosening the wire between the two electric poles?
Is there any science behind it or negligence of employees?
Let's try to understand:
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Dharmendra Singh Rathore, a resident of Jaipur Rajasthan, who has done Diploma Electrical Engineering & Civil Engineering (Janpat Engineering) and is working as draftsman in Pricision Design Engineering, points out that you will see a lot of examples of the electrical wires by giving a little relaxation, keeping the gap on the joint of the tracks on the railway track, keeping the gap on the cemen…