Navy man succumbs to injuries posted on INS Sumedha Warship

Mandeep Singh Sajwan
1 minute read
INS Sumedha

 A staffer of the INS Sumedha, the third Saryu class patrol vessel of the Indian Navy, who had sustained severe injuries in a mishap, passed away on Sunday.

 Gaurav Dutt (27), who hailed from Jhajjar in Haryana was the artificer in the engine room. The mishap occurred when the patrol vessel was on duty in the Arabian Sea.

Soon after the mishap, the vessel was directed to reach Seabird naval base. Dutt had breathed his last by the time the vessel reached the naval base.

 “A departmental inquiry has been ordered into the incident. The final rites will be conducted on Monday at Dutt’s native place,” a spokesperson of the naval base sai.


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