Indian, Australian navies come together for two-day PASSEX, exercise aimed at enhancing interoperability

The Indian Hawk


Indian and austrailian navy passex exercise
Indian Navy Royal Australian Navy Passage Exercise (PASSEX) underway b/w Royal Australian Navy & Indian Navy in Eastern Indian Ocean Region 

New Delhi: Indian Navy and the Royal Australian Navy conducted Passage Exercise (PASSEX) in Eastern Indian Ocean Region. During the exercise, air warfare destroyer HMAS Hobart, stealth frigate INS Sahyadri and missile corvette INS Karmuk engaged in the maritime exercises.

The Indian Navy is scheduled to undertake a Passage Exercise (PASSEX) with Royal Australian Navy (RAN) in the East Indian Ocean Region (IOR) from September 23 to September 24.

In addition, an Indian MPA and helicopters from both sides also participated in the exercise.

Aimed at enhancing interoperability between the two navies

This exercise, amid border tensions between India and China, is aimed at enhancing interoperability between the two navies.

The exercise would involve advanced surface and anti-air exercises including weapon firings, seamanship exercises, naval manoeuvres and Cross Deck Flying Operations.

The Indian Navy regularly conducts PASSEX with friendly foreign navies and the exercise this time reflects the growing strength of Indo-Australian bilateral relations as comprehensive strategic partners, particularly in defence cooperation in the maritime domain.


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