KALI 5000: Top Secret Weapon Of India

The Indian Hawk
KALI 5000

India has designed a top secret weapon, KALI 5000, which will be an answer to any uninvited missile aimed to disturb the peace of India. KALI stands for Kilo Ampere Linear Injector. The weapon is designed so that it can be used to destroy missiles and aircrafts through soft-kill.

It has been developed by the Defence Research Development Organization (DRDO) and the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC). The project was initially started for industrial purposes but its various abilities helped in making it a powerful weapon.

Facts you should definitely know about KALI 5000 weapon:

  • The Kali project was first initiated by the then Director of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Dr. R. Chidambaram in the year 1985
  • Work on the project began in 1989
  • The project was initially developed for industrial applications. Its use as a defence weapon was later suggested by the designers of the project
  • The KALI series which are KALI 80, KALI 200, KALI 1000, KALI 5000 and KALI 10000 are described as 'Single Shot Pulsed Gigawatt Electron Accelerators'
  • The single shot devices use water filled capacitors to build the charge energy
  • It has been reported that the project's potential as a defence weapon has made it a threat for China
  • The beams from the weapon can shatter any satellite and UAVs in no time
  • Its ability to emit powerful pulses of electrons and the conversion of electron energy into E.M. Radiation fuelled the hopes that the KALI could be used in a High-Power Microwave gun
  • The X-Rays emitted by it are being used as an illuminator for ultrahigh speed photography
  • Electronic components currently used in project can withstand fields of approximately 300 volt per centimetre
  • The Relativistic Electron Beams (REB) can be used for the generation of High Power Microwaves (HPM) & Flash X Rays (FXR).

It is intended to work so that if a rocket is propelled toward India, it will rapidly produce pulsating beats of Relativistic Electrons Beams (REB). 



The foundations of KALI venture reaches out back to 1985 when the Director of BARC, Dr.R Chidambaram thought of building an electron accelerating machine. The task began in 1989 and was meant to create electron beams of around 100 nano second span with a vitality of 1 Mega electron volt(MeV). 

This electron bar itself can be utilized for welding purposes. This Relativistic Electron Beams (REB) hence created will be utilized for the age of High Power Microwaves (HPM) and Flash X Rays (FXR). 

The main accelerating agents had an intensity of ~0.4GW, which expanded as later forms were created. These were the KALI 80, KALI 200, KALI 1000, KALI 5000 and KALI 10000. 

KALI Was Commissioned in 2004.

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