Pakistan opens heavy fire in Rajouri sector of Jammu and Kashmir

The Indian Hawk


security forces on recce
File Photo

Pakistani troops on Saturday violated the ceasefire agreement by resorting to firing and heavy shelling on forward areas along the Line of Control (LoC) in Rajouri district of Jammu and Kashmir, a defence spokesman said.

The shelling and firing from across the border in Nowshera sector was “unprovoked” and drew a befitting retaliation by the Indian Army, the spokesman said.

“At about 11.15 am, Pakistan initiated unprovoked ceasefire violation by firing small arms and shelling with mortars along LoC in Nowshera,” the spokesman said.

The cross-border shelling between the two sides was going on when last reports were received. However, there was no immediate report of any casualty on the Indian side, he added.

Pakistan, of late, has also started to push arms, ammunition, narcotics and hawala money into Jammu and Kashmir with the help of drones. Since January 26, at least six such attempts have been made by Pakistan in Jammu region.


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