Who Is Indian Navy Chief - 2021 | Defence GK

Mandeep Singh Sajwan

Indian Navy Chief Admiral Karambir Singh
Admiral Karambir Singh PVSM, AVSM, ADC
Indian Navy Chief Admiral Karambir Singh, PVSM, AVSM, ADC, is the Indian Navy's 24th and current Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS)

The Navy's "Grey Eagle" (senior-most-serving naval aviator), he took over as CNS when Admiral Sunil Lanba retired on May 31, 2019. Admiral Singh formerly served as Vice Chief of the Naval Staff and Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief Eastern Naval Command.

Admiral Singh is a second generation military officer who was born in Jalandhar, Punjab, to a Jat Sikh family and an IAF officer. He attended the Barnes School in Deolali before enrolling in the National Defence Academy's 56th course, where he served in the Hunter Squadron. He attended the Defence Services Staff College in Wellington as well as the College of Naval Warfare in Mumbai.

He joined the Indian Navy in July 1980 and received his helicopter pilot's license in 1982. He has vast experience with helicopters such as the HAL Chetak, Kamov Ka-25, and Kamov Ka-28.

Singh has served as the commanding officer of the Coast Guard ship ICGS Chand Bibi, the corvette INS Vijaydurg, and the guided missile destroyers INS Rana and INS Delhi. He was also the Western Fleet's Fleet Operations Officer. 

Ashore, he was the Joint Director Naval Air Staff at Naval Headquarters, as well as Captain Air and Officer-in-Charge of the Naval Air Station in Mumbai. In addition, he served on the Aircrew Instrument Rating and Categorisation Board (AIRCATS).

On October 31, 2017, he took over as Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief Eastern Naval Command, following Vice Admiral Harish Bisht. He has received the Param Vishist Seva Medal and the Ati Vishist Seva Medal over his nearly 39-year career.

The Indian government appointed him Chief of Naval Staff on March 23, 2019, succeeding Vice Admiral Bimal Verma. He is the first helicopter pilot to serve as the Indian Navy's Chief of Staff.

He is supposed to be retired On November 30, 2021.

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