Model Of Indian Navy's Destroyer INS Mumbai Dedicated to the City

Mandeep Singh Sajwan
Model Of Indian Navy's Destroyer INS Mumbai Dedicated to the City

Located at JK Kapur Chowk, Worli, the ship's model makes its presence felt next to the iconic Bandra Worli Sealink, manifesting the contribution of the Navy towards safeguarding the maritime frontiers of the nation.

A Model of Indian Navy's destroyer INS Mumbai dedicated to the city on Sunday, highlighting the maritime connect with the great city of Mumbai and the rich maritime traditions of Maharashtra,

Maharashtra's Tourism, Environment and Protocol Minister Aditya Thackeray in the presence of Rear Admiral V Srinivas, Flag Officer Commanding Maharashtra Naval Area (FOMA) inaugurated the new attraction in the city.

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The dedication of the model of INS Mumbai to the city from which it derives its name, also the home of Indian Navy's Western Fleet, showcases the strong bonds the Indian Navy shares with the city.

INS Mumbai was built indigenously by Mumbai based Mazagon Docks Ltd. It is a guided missile destroyer fitted with an arsenal of weapons and sensors capable of engaging the enemy in all three dimensions.

INS Mumbai has been the Flagship for various combat operations like Op Parakram and many Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) operations across the globe in the last two decades.


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