Defense Budget 2021 To See Unprecedented Hike Reflecting 5-year Modernization Plan

Mandeep Singh Sajwan

Image Credit : PTI Via RepublicWorld

Defense budget 2021 is set to reflect the modernization plan of the Armed Forces for the next 5 years which is likely to attract the highest ever hike in the upcoming budget for the sector and a 2-year roll-on acquisition plan is also being made.

Indian Defence forces are moving ahead with pace to become 'Atmnirbhar' with minimum dependence on foreign weapons, equipment, and technology. In order to achieve self-reliance, the Defence budget can be hiked to reach a 6 lakh crore figure.

Chief of Army Staff General MM Narawane said on Tuesday that, "We had got the biggest chunk of the national budget that was,15 per cent of the national budget last year but this year situation being more demanding due to the ongoing tensions with China along the LAC, we expect to get a higher budget this year."

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General Narawane also emphasized the need for technological advancements that require a high budget. In view of the challenge of the China People's Liberation Army in Ladakh and the continued treachery of Pakistan along the Line of Control, a long-term outline of military preparations is being prepared in the Ministry of Defense's Military Department.

After the creation of the post of Chief of Defense, the defense budget of this time will be allocated on the basis of the joint modernization roadmap of the three armies.

According to defence sources, in view of the ongoing tension along the border, there may be an unprecedented increase in the budget for the situation of war on two fronts.

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The Chief of Defense Staff has been supervising a 5-year Safeguard Modernization Plan. Not only this, a two-year annual roll-on plan is also being made under the Integrated Capability Development Plan to make arrangements to counter the enemy in the capacity of the three armies.

Talks are going on with the Finance Ministry to create a Defense Modernization Fund which gets carried out to next year in case it is not spent without getting lapse. The Ministry has emphasized that military procurement and construction of infrastructure facilities such as roads and bridges etc. goes on for a long time, so it is not possible to spend the budget in a year.

There have been indications that not only will the budget be arranged for the expenditure in the defence sector for one year but also according to the estimate of the next five years in the budget. It is estimated that this time there will be an unprecedented increase in the defence budget, giving a strong message to China.

A provision of Rs 4,71,000 crore was made in the defence budget for the year 2020-21, but in this,Rs 1,33,000 was only for pension. So there was only Rs 3,23,000 crore left for defence expenditure. There was also a provision of about Rs 1,00,000 crore for defence modernization.

The Ministry has sound reasons for more defence budget this time. The target is to complete the work of the integration of the three armies in the next 3 years. For this, these three new commands have to be created:

  1. Defense space agency
  2. Defense Cyber ​​Agency
  3. Military Forces Special Operations Division.

Two other commands whose blueprints are being prepared by involving the three armies are:

  1. Air Defense Command
  2. Sea Defense Command

The Defense Ministry is also continuously working on reducing its pension budget which has increased from Rs 1,17,000 crore to 1,33,000 crore. Initiatives have been taken to increase the age of retirement of soldiers. According to defense sources, work is also underway on a scheme for the officers of the Short Service Commission so that the expenditure of pension on this head can also be eliminated.

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However, India's defence budget remains nowhere compared to China. China has a defence budget of about $ 45 billion which is five times more than India's defence budget. Officially China's defence budget was said to be 167 billion dollars, but according to an estimate by the International Institute of Strategic Affairs, Sipri, the Chinese budget is more than 254 billion dollars.

Two major steps are also being taken for the in-house resources of the defense forces. A Defense Renewal Fund will be created in which funds will be raised from the monetization of defense sector land. Secondly, Rs 40,000 crore will be raised in the next 8 years through National Building Construction Corporation Limited on the lines of self-financing to build 80 thousand houses of soldiers.

Apart from this, the Ministry of Defense has leased land from governments in many states and the state governments require land for roads and other facilities.

These plans will be instrumental in strengthening the defense forces with the spirit of 'Atmnirbhar Bharat'


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