J&K: People Joining Terror Ranks Increases, but Their Shelf Life Has Drastically Decreased

Mandeep Singh Sajwan
J&K: People Joining Terror Ranks Increases, but Their Shelf Life Has Drastically Decreased
J&K: People Joining Terror Ranks Increases, but Their Shelf Life Has Drastically Decreased | File Photo

Defence News Bureau: While there has been a rise in the number of people joining terrorist organizations in Jammu and Kashmir, the positive however is that their shelf life has decreased.

Jammu and Kashmir Police Dilbag Singh said that there has been a slight increase in the number of people joining terrorist ranks when compared to 2019, the positive aspect is that 70 per cent of them have been either eliminated or arrested. Their shelf life has decreased, he added.

"We undertook over 100 successful operations in Jammu and Kashmir. Ninety operations took place in Kashmir and 13 in Jammu. As many as 225 terrorists were killed - 207 in Kashmir and 18 in Jammu division," he said.

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Jammu and Kashmir recorded the elimination of 203 terrorists including 166 local militants by security forces in 2020, while 43 civilians were killed and 92 others injured in the union territory, official sources said.

The security forces have also arrested 49 terrorists and ensured the surrender of nine militants during the year, they said.

This is the result of the coordinated efforts of the Army, Police and the CRPF working in the joint security grid, the officials said.

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As many as 203 terrorists were killed in Jammu and Kashmir this year and of these 166 were locals and 37 were from Pakistan or of foreign origin, they said.

There have been 96 terror-related incidents in 2020. While 43 civilians were killed, 92 others suffered injuries in these incidents, they said.

The civilian casualties have come down as in 2019, 47 civilians were killed and 185 persons injured, they said.

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During 2020, there was a recovery of 14 IEDs as compared to 36 recovered in 2019, they said.

In 2019, 152 terrorists, including 120 locals and 32 of Pakistan-origin were killed by the security forces in J&K. In 2018, 215 terrorists were neutralized by security forces.

A total of 257 terrorists, 91 security personnel and 39 civilians were killed in 614 terror incidents in Jammu and Kashmir in 2018, as per the report.

In 2017, 213 terrorists, 80 security personnel and 40 civilians were killed in 342 terror incidents in the state, the report said.

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In 2016, a total of 150 terrorists, 82 security personnel and 15 civilians were killed in 322 terror incidents, while in 2015, 108 terrorists, 39 security personnel and 17 civilians were killed in 208 terror incidents, it said.

A total of 110 terrorists, 47 security personnel and 28 civilians were killed in 222 terror incidents in Jammu and Kashmir in 2014, the report said.


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