Aero India 2021: India Hosts Indian Ocean Region Defence Ministers’ Conclave

Mandeep Singh Sajwan


Defence Minister Rajnath Singh
Indian Ocean Region Conclave

The theme of the Indian Ocean Region Defence Ministers’ Conclave is ‘Enhanced Peace, Security, and Cooperation in the Indian Ocean’.

India will host the Indian Ocean Region- IOR Defence Ministers’ Conclave on February 4, 2021. The event will take place on the sidelines of Aero India 2021, the largest Aero show of Asia which is being held at Bengaluru from February 3 to 5.

According to the release by Defence Ministry, the theme of the Indian Ocean Region Defence Ministers’ Conclave is ‘Enhanced Peace, Security, and Cooperation in the Indian Ocean’.

The event will start with the welcome address of the Defence Secretary as well as the addresses by the Defence Ministers of various Indian Ocean Region Countries. The concluding remarks will be by the Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh.

 About Indian Ocean Region Conclave:

The Indian Ocean Region Defence Ministers’ Conclave is an initiative to promote dialogue in an economic, institutional, and cooperative environment that can help in fostering the development of stability, peace, and prosperity in the Indian Ocean Region.

What will be discussed during Conclave?

The conclave aims at addressing the aspects that are related to:

• The Defence Industry co-operation among the participating countries.

• Sharing of the resources available in the Indian Defence Shipyards for design and shipbuilding.

• Sharing of Indian ports with friendly nations.

• Information sharing towards the increased maritime domain awareness.

• Maritime surveillance and cooperation.

• Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief

• Marine Pollution Response Activities.

• Development of technologies and capabilities of harnessing marine resources.

Countries participating in the Conclave:

The total confirmed physical participation in the conclave is from 18 countries, including the Defence Ministers of 4 countries (Comoros, Maldives, Madagascar, and Iran), the Defence Secretary of Sudan, six High Commissioners/Ambassadors who will be representing their countries (Kenya, Australia, Mauritius, Seychelles, Myanmar, and Kuwait), service Chief of 10 countries.

The six other countries will either be sending their record messages or participating virtually.

Seminars during the Conclave:

• The first seminar during the conclave will be conducted by the Naval Maritime Foundation and the Indian Navy on February 4.

• The second seminar will be organized by Bharat Shakti/Indian Coast Guard/Indian Defence Shipyard and Industry/Invest India on February 5.

• The seminars will be significant in realizing the IOR into the region of ‘Peace, Progress and Prosperity’ as well as enhancing the coordination and co-operation among the countries of the region for mutual co-existence and sustainable development.


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