BEML Made Indigenous 'Gaur' MK-II Medium Bullet Proof Vehicle (MBPV)

Mandeep Singh Sajwan

Medium Bullet Proof Vehicle (MBPV) – MK II 'GAUR'
Medium Bullet Proof Vehicle (MBPV) – MK II 'GAUR'
BEML Made Indigenous 'Gaur' MK-II Medium Bullet Proof Vehicle (MBPV) indigenously with improved safety measures. The vehicle is fitted with a night vision camera, a blast-resistant seat, GPS navigation, a radio, and a telecommunication system. 

It is equipped with a Modular Armoured Hull, a Central Tire Inflation System, and Run Flat Tires. The vehicle protects security personnel from arm fire and hand grenade attacks and is capable of transporting up to ten people.

BEML Gaur is a 4X4 all-wheel drive vehicle that has been specifically developed for ease of maneuverability, operation, and maintenance.

BD50HST Is State-Of-The-Art First Heli-Portable Dozer
BD50HST Is State-Of-The-Art First Heli-Portable Dozer

BEML has also created a tiny dozer for use in infrastructure development projects in the country's hilly regions.

BE1800E 180 Ton Electrical Excavator
BE1800E 180 Ton Electrical Excavator

The dozer is packed with cutting-edge technology, including an advanced 'Electric Monitoring System' that ensures accurate and smooth operation, as well as an adjustable 'Operator Sheet' that provides operator comfort. It is easily assembled and disassembled in a short period of time. 

BH150E 150 Ton Electric Dump Truck
BH150E 150 Ton Electric Dump Truck

This Dozer is ideal for removing waste and laying road in remote regions such as Border Roads. It is also capable of withstanding significant temperature swings.

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