Captain Tom Moore tests positive for COVID-19, hospitalised

Mandeep Singh Sajwan

Captain Tom Moore

100-year-old World War II veteran, Captain Tom Moore, who raised millions of pounds for the health service by walking laps of his garden, has been admitted to a hospital after tested positive for COVID-19, said his daughter on Sunday.

New Delhi: 100-year-old World War II veteran, Captain Tom Moore, who raised millions of pounds for the health service by walking laps of his garden, has been admitted to a hospital after tested positive for COVID-19, said his daughter on Sunday.

In a social media post, his daughter Tweeted, "I wanted to update everybody that today ... my father was admitted to hospital." 

"Over the last few weeks he was being treated for pneumonia and last week tested positive for COVID-19. He was at home with us until today when he needed additional help with his breathing. He is being treated in a ward, although he is not in ICU (intensive care unit)," she added.

She further said, "The medical care he has received in the last few weeks has been remarkable and we know that the wonderful staff at Bedford Hospital will do all they can to make him comfortable and hopefully return home as soon as possible." 

Captain Tom captivated the British public in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic with his fundraising efforts.

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