India Eyes Russia’s Latest Verba Man-Portable Air Defense Sytem

Mandeep Singh Sajwan
Latest Verba Man-Portable Air Defense Sytem
Latest Verba Man-Portable Air Defense Sytem

BANGALORE: India’s Defence Ministry has shown interest in Russia’s latest Verba man-portable air defence system, Deputy Director of Russia’s Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation Vladimir Drozhzhov told TASS at the Aero India 2021 international aerospace show on Wednesday.

"The Defence Ministry of the Republic of India shows interest in purchasing the Russian Verba air defence system. However, specific requests have not come yet," he said.

The Verba man-portable air defence system comprises the launching mechanism, a missile, the friend-or-foe and other mechanisms. The system can be deployed within eight seconds. As its main specific feature, the Verba MANPAD can strike low-signature targets, such as cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles under false thermal interference at an altitude of 10 to 4,500 meters and at a range of 500 to 6,500 meters.

Aero India is Asia’s largest aerospace show. This year, it is running in the city of Bangalore on February 3-5. Russia is featuring over 200 military exhibits at the Aero India 2021 aerospace show.


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