Terrorists plan to target Rajouri & nearby areas, intelligence reports suspect IED attacks

Mandeep Singh Sajwan

Terrorists representational Image
Representational Image

While there were about 120 people recruited in 2019, mostly by the Hizbul Mujahideen, the Lashkare Toiba and the Jaishe Mohammed, the number was about 180 last year.

For the terrorists being infiltrated into Jammu and Kashmir, Rajouri and the nearby areas are a clear target this winter. At a meeting organised by the Hizbul Mujahideen, in one of their training camps in Ghari Dupatta in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, there's a clear plan to target the Rajouri area.                                                                  

The meeting, in late December, was chaired by Maulana Taj Ali Shah, the organisation's deputy supreme commander, Maulana Naseeruddin, the training camp commander and other launch pad commanders.               

Rajouri apart, intelligence reports suggest that there are plans for IED attacks in the Pulwama and Baramulla areas, attacks on security forces in Srinagar, Anantnag and Shopian. Most importantly, there is a plan to attack newly elected members of the Union Territory's District Development Council (DDC) members.

There is a slight increase in recruitment from within the Union Territory. While there were about 120 people recruited in 2019, mostly by the Hizbul Mujahideen, the Lashkare Toiba and the Jaishe Mohammed, the number was about 180 last year, with the HM again recruiting the maximum number followed by the LET and the JEM.

The only difference is that the Al-Badr has also begun recruiting some people.  It is entirely expected that the HM recruits the most people from Jammu and Kashmir, but overall, the LET and the JM remain the most dangerous. 

Clearly, even though this is mid-winter in Jammu and Kashmir, the effort to continue to infiltrate terrorists and create trouble continues.


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