Unwitting confession: China after Union minister VK Singh says India crossed LAC '50 times

Mandeep Singh Sajwan

Chinese Spokeperson Wang Wenbin
Chinese Spokeperson Wang Wenbin

China has accused India of unwittingly admitting its transgressions on the Line of Actual Control. Reacting to Union minister VK Singh’s recent statement that India has transgressed LAC more often than China, the spokesperson of Chinese foreign ministry said Indian actions on the LAC caused disputes and frictions.

New Delhi: China has termed Union Minister of State for State Transport and Highways VK Singh’s statement on India’s LAC transgressions as “unwitting confession”.

Speaking to the media in Madurai on Sunday, former Army chief VK Singh had said that "if China had transgressed the Line of Actual Control 10 times, India must have done it at least 50 times".

Reacting to the statement, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said that India’s transgressions were the root cause of the tensions at the China-India border.

“This is an unwitting confession by the Indian side. For a long time, the Indian side has conducted frequent acts of trespass in the border area in an attempt to encroach on China's territory and constantly created disputes and frictions, which is the root cause of the tensions at the China-India border,” Wang Wenbin said.

“We urge the Indian side to follow through on the consensus, agreements and treaties it reached with China, and uphold peace and stability in the border region with concrete actions,” he said.

On Sunday, VK Singh had said that the Line of Actual Control between India and China is not clearly demarcated.

“China had transgressed many times over the years with its own perception of the LAC. Similarly, none of you come to know how many times we have transgressed as per our perception. Chinese media does not cover it,” VK Singh said.

“Let me assure you, if China has transgressed 10 times, we must have done it at least 50 times,” he added.


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