Pakistan To Hand Over Gujarat Fisherman’s Body at Wagah Border Today

Mandeep Singh Sajwan
Wagah Border -
Officers of the fisheries department of Gujarat said they are anticipating to receive his mortal remains Thursday.

Mortal remains of Gujarat fisherman Ramesh are likely to be handed over to Indian authorities by Pakistan at Wagah border in Punjab on Thursday, 40 days after his death in a Karachi jail.

The fisherman had died on March 26 in a prison and his body has been lying in a morgue in Karachi since. The autopsy was completed on Wednesday.

“Indian officials had reached Karachi on Tuesday to complete formalities of repatriation of Ramesh’s mortal remains. As part of the procedure, Ramesh’s autopsy was conducted in Karachi and Pakistan authorities are likely to hand over the fisherman’s mortal remains to India at Wagah border in Punjab on Thursday,” sources said.

Officers of the fisheries department of Gujarat said they are anticipating to receive his mortal remains Thursday. “Our two officers are flying to Amritsar tomorrow to receive the body. Once the Punjab government completes formalities and hands the body to our officers, they would try to find a suitable air route to bring it to Gujarat,” a senior officer of the fisheries department said.

Ramesh was apprehended by Pakistan in May, 2019, for allegedly violating territorial waters of Pakistan while fishing.


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