IMA POP 2021: After Rigorous Training Before POP Gentleman Cadets Awarded With Certificates

Mandeep Singh Sajwan

IMA POP 2021: IMA Commandant, Lt Gen Harinder Singh Presenting Awards  to Getleman Cadets

IMA POP 2021: The Gentleman Cadets, who are going to become Army officers on June 12 from the Indian Military Academy (IMA), were rewarded for their expertise on Wednesday. The award ceremonies of passing out courses 148 regular and 131 TGC courses in IMA were held at Chhetrapal Auditorium. Various medals, trophies and certificates were given to the cadets. The Commandant of the Academy, Lt Gen Harinder Singh, gave to the future officers the basic mantra of protecting the country's pride and honour. 

The Commandant said that the country expects promptness, perseverance and loyalty from every young officer. He said that it is essential for an officer to maintain a competitive spirit with fairness and sportsmanship. 

The Commandant said that there should always be a strong desire to win and excel as a team. War is fought with collective effort and team spirit. Foreign cadets were honoured for individual excellence in the award ceremony. On the lines of Indian cadets, they were also rewarded for their ability in training.

Instructors were also honoured: Instructors were also honoured in the award ceremony of IMA. Instructors are the ones who train the cadets in the academy. Only through their training, the armies of the country get brave officers.

IMA POP 2021: Award For Personal Excellence

Medal-of-Excellence and Winning Cadet

  1. Parachute Regiment (Patience and Physical Strength): Aastik
  2. 9th Gr (Military Studies): Saksham Goswami
  3. Dogra Regiment and Scout Wing Medal (Obstacle): Dinesh Jaggi
  4. Sikh Regiment Silver Medal (Sports): Mukesh Kumar
  5. Maratha Lai (PT): Kinley Norbu
  6. Rajput Regiment Silver Medal (Academics): Arvind Kumar Bagoria
  7. Sikh Lai Silver Medal (Turnout and Drill): Kinley Norbu
  8. Corps of Signals (Science and War Skills): Ashish
  9. Rajputana Rifle Medal (First in Policy Efficiency): Saksham Goswami
  10. J&K Rifle Medal (Second in Policy Efficiency): Manjit Singh
  11. Brigade of the Guards (Service Subject): Deepak Singh
  12. Jat Regiment Silver Medal (OQ): Shivam Kumar
  13. 5 gr (Best Shot in LMG): Manjit Singh
  14. 8 Gr (Weapon Training): Pradeep Thapa

IMA POP 2021: Book Prize Awards

  1. M&D Club : Karun Bakshi
  2. Journalism Club: Naveen
  3. Arts Club: Shubham Kumar
  4. Academics: Saksham Goswami
  5. Paper Writing: Sumit Mall
  6. Outstanding Performance: Ehsanullah Sadat
  7. Leadership Matrix (Book): Afan Hussain
  8. Leadership Matrix (Lecture): Saksham Goswami
  9. Leadership Matrix (Essay): Afan Hussain

IMA POP 2021: Rolling Trophy (Individual) Awards

  1. Grenadiers (INSAS Rifles) : Neeraj Rathod
  2. Motivation (Most Motivated): Kinley Norbu
  3. Raja of Faridkot (Best in INSAS LMG): Shivam Choudhary
  4. Major Shaitan Singh (Best in Weapon Training): Neeraj Rathod
  5. Deccan Horse (Best Rider) : Surendra Singh
  6. 8th Course Reunion (Best in IT): Prajwal Kala

Rolling Trophy (Company) Awards

  1. Sir Alwyn Ezra (First in Weapon Training): Elamin
  2. The Nawab of Jora (Second in Weapon Training): Karen
  3. Inter-Company Physical Training Cup (First in Physical Training): Sangro
  4. 3rd Gorkha Regiment (Second in Physical Training): Zojila
  5. Burma Army (First in Sports): Dograi
  6. Air Chief Marshal Dilbag Singh (Second in Sports): Jessore
  7. Governor of Uttarakhand (First in Academics): Nowshera
  8. ADG AE (Second in Academics): Kieran
  9. Kumaon Trophy (First in Inter Company Championship): Dograi
  10. Chief of Naval Staff (First in Professional Competition): Mektila
  11. Jat Regiment (2nd in Professional Competition): Zojila

IMA POP 2021: Banner Awards

  1. Army Commander Artrac Banner (Second in Inter Company Championship): Nowshera Company
  2. Commandant Banner (First in Inter Battalion Championship): Thimayya Battalion

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