12 Nations Among US, India and China Decide Not to Recognise Any Afghanistan Govt Imposed by Force

Mandeep Singh Sajwan
12 Nations Among US, India and China Decide Not to Recognise Any Afghanistan Govt Imposed by Force

Twelve countries, including the United States, India, and China, as well as representatives from the United Nations and the European Union, have decided not to recognize any government in Afghanistan that seeks to take control through the barrel of a gun, according to the State Department, despite the Taliban's continued offensive across the war-torn country.

On Thursday, representatives from the United States and Qatar, the United Nations, China, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, the United Kingdom, the European Union, Germany, India, Norway, Tajikistan, Turkey, and Turkmenistan convened in a regional conclave to discuss ways to contain the escalating security situation in Afghanistan.

Qatar was the host country for the conclave.

The individuals that took part "First and foremost, they agreed that the peace process needed to be hastened. They also agreed, crucially, that they will not recognize any government imposed by armed force "On Thursday, State Department Spokesperson Ned Price told reporters.

His comments came as the Taliban marched across Afghanistan, seizing important provincial capitals.

According to reports, the terrorist organization took Herat and Kandahar, the country's second and third largest cities after Kabul, as well as a crucial provincial capital, on Thursday.

It comes only weeks before the United States' military presence in Afghanistan comes to an end.

The US Embassy in Kabul has issued a security alert onThursday, urging Americans to “leave Afghanistan immediately using available commercial flight options.”

"So it is not just the United States that is emphasizing this issue. This is not only the voice of the United States. This is the world community, as reflected by the consensus reached today "Prince said.

He stated that "any force that seeks to take control of Afghanistan with the barrel of a gun, through the barrel of a gun, will not be recognised, will not have legitimacy, and will not accrue the international assistance that any such government would likely require to achieve any semblance of durability."

Over the course of weeks and months, the world community, according to Price, came together to speak with one voice on this issue.

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