Air India Lands at Kabul After Delay Amid Tension in Afghanistan, Security and Boarding Underway

Mandeep Singh Sajwan

Air India Lands at Kabul After Delay Amid Tension in Afghanistan, Security and Boarding Underway
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A national carrier Air India AI-243 arrived successfully in Kabul, the Afghan capital, after an hour of delay due to Taliban tensions in Afghanistan. In the morning, AI-243 took off for Kabul from Delhi's Indira Gandhi International Airport.

Afghan airport security and boarding procedures are in full swing for an Air India flight. As of tonight, the flight will return to Delhi with a full complement of people on board.

Aviation authorities in Kabul immediately instructed Air India's crew to begin boarding passengers who were returning home. Security checks, boarding, and other processes are still in progress, according to senior sources quoted by ANI.

The two-and-a-half-hour trip had to be paused for nearly an hour in the air. There was no one available to help Air India Flight AI-243 land in Kabul because Taliban forces, which have ravaged the war-torn nation, had reached the outskirts of Kabul.

When ATC refused to give the jet clearance to land in Kabul's airspace, the plane eventually landed at Kabul airport. According to ANI,

A few years ago, Air India was only offering three flights a week to Kabul. Now the airline is offering flights seven days a week.

"There is no such advise," said Arindam Bagchi, a spokesman for the Ministry of External Affairs, in response to a question on whether India had issued an advisory about avoiding Afghanistan airspace due to the current violence in Afghanistan.

After the Taliban took control of Kabul, India, according to reports, is keenly following the rapidly shifting scenario.

In the early hours of morning, the Taliban stormed Kabul from all directions and encountered little or no opposition.

The Afghan Presidential Palace ARG is now negotiating the handover of power from the government to the Taliban.

As a result, The Khaama Press Agency cited sources to suggest that Ali Ahamd Jalali will be chosen as the leader of the new interim administration.

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