World’s Highest Motorable Road, BRO Creates History at 19,300 Feet in Ladakh

Mandeep Singh Sajwan

World’s Highest Motorable Road Umlingla Pass, BRO Creates History at 19,300 Feet in Ladakh
India can now boast of the world`s highest motorable road- Umlingla Pass, thanks to the efforts of the Border Roads Organisation (BRO).

By the unparalleled efforts of the Border Road Organization (BRO), India can now boast of having the world's highest motorable road. The road construction agency, which owns roads in one of the most desolate areas on the northern border of India, accomplished this feat earlier this week. 

The Umlingla Pass in the east of Ladakh. BRO built a 52-kilometre-long motorable road through this mountain pass. The road of the Umlingla mountain pass now connects the main cities of the Chumar region in eastern Ladakh. 

A statement issued by the Ministry of Defence on Wednesday said: “This will prove to be a boon for local residents, as it provides an alternative direct route from Leh to connect Chisumle and Demchok.

It will improve the socio-economic status and promote tourism in Ladakh. Compared with the famous Khardung La Pass, Umling LaPass is more challenging for drivers. According to the Ministry of Ministry of Defence (MoD), the temperature at this gate can drop to -40 degrees Celsius during the winter season.

In addition, the oxygen content at this altitude is about 50% lower than normal, making it difficult for anyone to stay here for a long time. Umling La Pass broke the previous record of 18,953 feet in Bolivia. This road connects to a volcano called Uturuncu.

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