As Ordnance Factory Board Gets Dissolved; What You Need to Know

Mandeep Singh Sajwan

As Ordnance Factory Board Gets Dissolved; What You Need to Know

As previously stated, the OFB's assets, personnel, and management will all be transferred to seven Public Sector Units (PSUs).

What exactly does this indicate?

The government declared efficiency in ordnance supply by corporatizing the OFB, improving autonomy, efficiency, and accountability last year as part of the "Atmanirbhar Bharat" initiative.

“With effect from October 1, the government has decided to transfer control, operations, administration, and maintenance of 41 production units and non-production units that have been identified to seven government companies,” the Ministry of Defence noted in the order abolishing the OFB.

As previously stated, the OFB's assets, personnel, and management will all be transferred to seven Public Sector Units (PSUs).

The government declared efficiency in ordnance supply by corporatizing the OFB, improving autonomy, efficiency, and accountability last year as part of the "Atmanirbhar Bharat" initiative.

“With effect from October 1, the government has decided to transfer control, operations, administration, and maintenance of 41 production units and non-production units that have been identified to seven government companies,” the Ministry of Defence noted in the order abolishing the OFB.

In addition, each new DPSU is expected to construct the rules and regulations that will govern the service conditions of the absorbed workers in accordance with the new order. Employees on presumed deputation to a particular DPSU are expected to seek permanent absorption from the new DPSUs within a two-year term.

The directive further specifies that the service conditions of the absorbed employees will not be less favourable than those now in place. The directive further specifies that, in order to make the absorption package more appealing, the Department of Defense Production will form a committee that will advise the new DPSUs in this respect.

What is the current state of OFB?

The OFB is now an institution under the Ministry of Defence, and it is responsible for supplying guns and ammunition to both the Indian armed forces and the paramilitary through its numerous factories and other recognized agencies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

What Is Ordnance Factory Board?
The Ordnance Factory Board (OFB), which is made up of Indian Ordnance Factories, is a government of India organization under the authority of the Department of Defence Production (DDP) of the Ministry of Defence (MoD). 

It works on product development, manufacturing, testing, marketing, and logistics for a variety of air, land, and marine systems. OFB is made up of 41 ordnance factories, nine training institutions, three regional marketing centres, and four regional safety controllers located around the country. 

Every year on March 18, India commemorates Ordnance Factory Day.

Where Is Ordnance Factory Board Headquartered?
Ordnance Factory Board, Kolkata
Armoured Vehicles Headquarters, Chennai
Ordnance Equipment Factories Headquarters, Kanpur
Ordnance Factory Board, New Delhi Office
Ordnance Factory Cell, Mumbai
Ordnance Factories Recruitment Centre, Nagpur

What Is the Full Form of OFB in Defence?
OFB stands for Ordnance Factory Board.

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