After Bombing in the Capital, Taliban Raids Suspected IS Hideout

Mandeep Singh Sajwan
Taliban fighters after occupying kabul in afghanistan
Representative Image (TheIndianHawk)

Hours after a fatal explosion outside a mosque in Kabul, Taliban troops stormed an Islamic State affiliate's hideaway in the Afghan capital and killed many fighters, the Taliban announced Monday.

While no claim of responsibility for the blast outside the Eid Gah mosque was made, suspicion instantly fell on the Islamic State organization, which has increased assaults against its Taliban foe since taking over Kabul in mid-August.

Taliban leaders had assembled in the mosque to pay their respects to the late mother of Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid.

Taliban fighters stormed an Islamic State operations headquarters in the northern Kabul district of Khair Khana, Mujahid claimed in a statement Monday. It did not specify how many IS militants were killed or whether any Taliban were hurt in the operation.

The blast on Sunday was the worst strike in Afghanistan since the Taliban took power following the tumultuous withdrawal of the last American soldiers on Aug. 31.

The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the terrible blast outside the Kabul airport on Aug. 26 that killed more than 169 Afghans and 13 US military personnel. Thousands of civilians were attempting to get to the airport to flee Taliban control.

After being battered by a major US bombing campaign focused against them in the eastern portion of the nation in 2019, the Islamic State reemerged in Afghanistan in 2020. They were held responsible for a terrible attack on a maternity facility in 2020, which claimed the lives of 24 people, including newborn infants. They were found guilty earlier this year of a horrific attack on a school in Afghanistan's predominantly Shiite Dasht-e-Barchi district, which killed more than 80 children.

The Taliban is facing increasing problems, as seen by the bombing on Sunday. During their 20-year insurgency, the organization carried out several attacks, but today they must contend with competing militants who employ the same tactics.

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