China Locks Down Lanzhou City Fearing a New COVID Outbreak

Mandeep Singh Sajwan

China Locks Down Lanzhou City Fearing a New COVID Outbreak
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China has put Lanzhou, the capital of Gansu province, under lockdown after a spike in Covid cases was discovered there. 35,700 inhabitants of Ejin county in China's Inner Mongolian province were instructed to stay at home starting Monday. 

Six of the 29 new domestic illnesses were recorded in Lanzhou. Chinese government's harsh actions are part of China's zero Covid-19 policy, which rejects the concept of living with Covid and instead depends heavily on containment tactics to stop it from spreading. 

The outbreak of Covid spread to 11 provinces, China's National Health Commission issued a warning that the outbreak in Inner Mongolia will increase. Infections spiked in countries like Mongolia and Seychelles that used Chinese Covid-19 vaccinations.

Key Highlights

  • According to reports, China has put Lanzhou, the capital of Gansu province, under lockdown after a spike in Covid cases was discovered there.
  • The virus's delta version is blamed for the current spike in Covid infections.

The Chinese government's harsh efforts are part of China's zero Covid-19 policy, which rejects the concept of living with Covid and instead depends heavily on containment tactics to stop it from spreading.

According to reports, China has put Lanzhou, the capital of Gansu province, under lockdown after a spike in Covid cases was discovered there. The virus's delta version is blamed for the current spike in Covid infections. 

Following an increase in Covid cases in the region, 35,700 inhabitants of Ejin county in China's Inner Mongolian province were instructed to stay at home starting Monday. Ejin County is thought to be the epicenter of the latest outbreak.

Following the spread of infections to 11 provinces, China's National Health Commission issued a warning that the outbreak in Inner Mongolia will increase.

Six of the 29 new domestic illnesses were recorded in Lanzhou, a city with a population of four million people. People of Lanzhou will be obliged to stay at home, with officials carefully controlling "entrance and leave of residents," and travel would be confined to vital goods or medical treatment, according to Chinese authorities.

The Chinese government's severe actions are part of China's zero Covid-19 policy, which opposes the concept of living with Covid and mainly depends on containment measures to curb its spread.

According to National Health Commission spokeswoman Mi Feng, China has completely immunized roughly 75.6 percent of the population and has also given them booster injections.

It was previously stated that after administering China-made Covid vaccinations, a Covid-19 outbreak occurred in Bahrain, United Arab Emirates. Infections spiked in countries like Mongolia and Seychelles that used Chinese Covid-19 vaccinations.

Beijing has also indicated that it provides vaccinations to foreign countries on an unrestricted basis. The comment was made in reaction to an Associated Press report alleging that China was pressuring Ukraine to comply with its requests by threatening to withhold its COVID-19 supply.

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