Navy Commander, 2 Retired Officers Arrested for Allegedly Leaking Classified Info

Mandeep Singh Sajwan

Navy's Kilo class submarines

A serving Navy commander and two retired officers have been arrested for allegedly leaking classified information on the upgrading of the Navy's Kilo class submarines. A Vice-Admiral and a Rear Admiral are investigating the situation, Navy officials say. 

The Navy is also conducting an internal investigation. Submarines of the Kilo Class, developed and built in the Soviet Union for the Navy, are classified as INS Sindhughosh class in India.

Key Highlights

  • The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has detained a serving Navy commander and two retired officers for allegedly leaking classified information on the upgrading of the Navy's Kilo class submarines.
  • There are expected to be further arrests in this case, and it is unknown whether foreign intelligence services were engaged in the information leak thus far.

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has detained a serving Navy commander and two retired officers for allegedly leaking classified information on the upgrading of the Navy's Kilo class submarines.

There are expected to be further arrests in this case, and it is unknown whether foreign intelligence services were engaged in the information leak thus far.

"Investigation linked to alleged administrative and commercial information leak with some unauthorised individuals has come to light and is being examined by competent government agency," the Navy said in a statement. The agency is conducting an inquiry with the Indian Navy's full cooperation.

The Navy is also conducting an internal investigation."

A Vice-Admiral and a Rear Admiral are investigating the situation, according to Navy officials.

The serving officer accused of leaking confidential material is a Commander located in Mumbai.

Submarines of the Kilo class, developed and built in the Soviet Union for the Soviet Navy, are among the world's most numerous conventional submarines and are now in service with various countries' navy.

These submarines are classified as the INS Sindhughosh class in India. To far, the government has purchased eleven such submarines, all of which have undergone substantial modernization, some of which are yet unknown.

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