DRDO Successfully Tests Pinaka Extended Range Rocket System

Mandeep Singh Sajwan

The Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) reported on Saturday that successful testing of the Pinaka Extended Range (ER) multi-barrel rocket launcher system, Area Denial Munitions (ADM), and locally made fuses have been conducted at several test ranges.

Pinaka extended range rocket system successfully tested: DRDO

In a statement, it added that during the past three days, "The DRDO and the Army conducted a series of performance evaluation trials of these industry-produced rockets at field shooting ranges." "Enhanced range Pinaka rockets with varying warhead capabilities were tested during these trials at various ranges. The trial's goals were all satisfactorily achieved.

Watch: Pinaka Extended Range Rocket System Test Video

Pinaka Extended Range Rocket System

The DRDO said 24 rockets were fired for different ranges and warhead capabilities to meet the objectives of accuracy and consistency. With this, the initial phase of technology absorption of Pinaka-ER by the industry partner has successfully been completed making the industry partner ready for series production of the rocket system, it said.

In addition, proximity fuses for Pinaka rockets developed by the ARDE, Pune, have also been tested. Stating that after design validation trials, dynamic performance evaluation of these fuses has been evaluated with flight testing, the DRDO said consistency in performance of fuses has been established in consecutive trials. The fuses were developed for the first time in the country and will replace the imported fuses and save foreign exchange, it said.

The ARDE has also designed miniaturised fuses for the ADMs which include dual-purpose direct-action self-destruction fuses and anti-tank munition fuses which were also successfully tested.

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