Closing Ceremony of Joint Military Exercise Khanjar-XII Held in Kyrgyzstan

The Indian Hawk

Soldiers from the Indian and Kyrgyz Special Forces during the joint military exercise Khanjar-XII in Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan, March 2025.

Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan – March 23, 2025 – The closing ceremony of the joint military exercise Khanjar-XII, conducted between the Special Forces of India and Kyrgyzstan, was held today in Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan. The exercise, which took place from March 10 to March 23, 2025, focused on enhancing the operational capabilities of both nations' elite forces.

Over the course of the two-week exercise, the Indian and Kyrgyz Special Forces trained together in urban warfare scenarios, counter-terrorism tactics, and precision sniping. The goal was to improve interoperability, ensuring that both contingents could operate seamlessly in joint operations in various high-stress environments.

Closing Ceremony of Joint Military Exercise Khanjar-XII Held in Kyrgyzstan

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Khanjar-XII was not only a platform to advance tactical proficiency but also an opportunity to build stronger ties of camaraderie between the Indian Army and the Kyrgyz Army. The exercise further strengthened the joint operational capabilities of both forces, solidifying defense cooperation between the two nations.

Closing Ceremony of Joint Military Exercise Khanjar-XII Held in Kyrgyzstan

Senior military officials from both India and Kyrgyzstan attended the closing ceremony, where they commended the professionalism and dedication of the Special Forces. The successful completion of the exercise highlights the growing defense partnership between the two countries and their shared commitment to regional security and counter-terrorism efforts.

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The collaboration underlines the importance of joint training and cooperation in addressing common security challenges and enhancing military readiness for both nations.

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