Rs 15,000 Crore Tata-Airbus Deal for Military Transport Aircraft at CCS Door High on the priority list of Indian Air Force is finalisation of an estimated Rs 15,000-crore contract to manufacture the C-295 transport aircraft in…
Tejas far better than China-Pak JF-17 fighters, says IAF Chief With its advanced weapons and sensors, the LCA Mk-1A jets will have good strike capability, said the air force chief.(Photo @IAF_MCC) Asserting that …
India Approves Procurement of 83 LCA MK1A TEJAS Fighter Jets Worth Rs 48,000 cr for Indian Air Force LCA MK1A TEJAS Fighter Jets India has cleared a deal to manufacture 83 of the home developed Light Combat Aircraft (TEJAS MK-1A) for the air force, …